Careers Vision


The impact of our CEIAG program is monitored via the following measures:

  • The Gatsby Benchmarks

  • The Compass Plus tool

  • Destinations data for students

  • Student voice meetings and reviews

  • Governor overview

Diagnostic impact statistics are available on request

Our Vision

CEIAG is crucial in order to meet the skills, knowledge and understanding needed by each student. The schools careers plan is made up of the DFE “Careers Guidance and Inspiration in Schools” dated October 2018, The Matrix Standard and the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Benchmark 1 – A stable careers programme

Benchmark 2 – Learning from career and labour market information

Benchmark 3 – Addressing the needs of each pupil

Benchmark 4 – Linking curriculum learning to careers

Benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees

Benchmark 6 – Experiences of workplaces

Benchmark 7 – Encounters with further and higher education Benchmark 8 – Personal guidance

The staff and governors at Thomas Bennett community college recognise that career planning is not limited to just one stage in life. For this reason careers education and guidance aims to develop a range of skills which students can draw on at each stage in their career planning. The CEIAG program is continually evaluated to improve its effectiveness.


The CEIAG program at Thomas Bennett community college is integrated within the curriculum and is designed to provide help at specific decision times. Thomas Bennett community college is committed to raising the aspirations of all learners in line with our mission vision:

Our aim for every learner at Thomas Bennett community college is that they grow in confidence, resilience and aspire to be the best they can be.

We want every student to have a passion for learning that will remain with them, and strong values that will enable them to be responsible and positive members and leaders in their communities. Our vision for our young people is that they go forward with the belief that they can achieve excellence and whatever they choose to do.

To support the Thomas Bennett vision our CEIAG program will:

  • Link effectively with the curriculum in order to maximise student learning and avoid unhelpful repetition

  • Provide totally impartial and up-to-date information through close working with independent careers professionals employers and FE and HE institutions

  • Challenge stereotypes in order to deal with prejudice and discrimination use skills of assertiveness and negotiation and encourage students to widen their career ideas

  • Reflect the true nature of today’s and tomorrow’s world of work

  • Supports key Thomas Bennett community college policies including those for teaching and learning assessment recording and reporting achievement equality and diversity health and safety gifted and talented and inclusion (SEN)